Information for Potential Vendors

The MuseCon Marketplace will be setup for limited hours in the convention's function space. More details will be released later.

Tables are 30in x 6ft and will cost $10 each. Tables will be reserved on a "initial tables will be assigned first" basis. If you want more than one table, and if there are tables available after the initial supplier requests are filled, additional tables will be assigned on a first-ask-first-given basis.

Suppliers are responsible for any operating licenses which may be required by local, state, or federal authorities; and for the collection and payment of any local, state, or federal taxes. MuseCon, Inc. will comply with the Illinois Department of Revenue reporting requirements for operators of fairs, festivals, craft shows, and other special events. For further sales tax and reporting information, please see: Illinois Revenue Website

Demonstrations requiring the use of an open flame must apply for and receive permission from the Marketplace Coordinator prior to the convention.

Suppliers requiring additional equipment or services from the hotel must place their requests through the Marketplace Coordinator, and will be responsible for any costs incurred.

Suppliers cannot display or sell any material that infringes upon any portion of local, state, federal, or international laws, including copyright or trademark laws and/or agreements.

All displays and exhibits must conform to local fire and electrical standards and codes. MuseCon reserves the right to limit the use of electrical devices in the event of concerns regarding safety or technical issues.

The Marketplace Coordinator reserves the right to limit or prohibit the sale of any inappropriate merchandise or service. All items on open display must be G-rated, MuseCon is family-friendly space.

MuseCon will make a good-faith effort to provide security in the Marketplace. However, all suppliers are responsible for their property and are advised to obtain adequate insurance against loss or damage.

Table purchase on Line click here

If you have additional questions please contact our Marketplace Coordinator at

Skein of yarn

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