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The following items will be occurring at several different times throughout the entire convention, subject to instructor and materials availability. When you have some time, stop by our Workshop Room (Stanford) or the Muse Salon (Marlborough) and work on a project. Each room will have a signboard by the door indicating which activities are available at that time.
Note: Some of these programs require additional materials fees, while some are free. If you want to insure your place please register for those with that option. You can register online (click on the title), at the convention Registration desk, or check with the instructor during the convention.
Session | Location | Description |
Advanced Chainmail | Muse Salon | Come learn advanced chainmail concepts while making a half persian 3in1 bracelet. Fee covers rings, finding, and printed instructions Please bring 2 pairs of chain nose pliers. Instructors has some to lend, but not many. (Jason Betts) |
Build a Blinkie - 6 LED Circle | Workshop | The 6 LED circle was a the 1st blinkie design we created. A classic, but we couldn't resist making improvements: better batteries, improved circuit board design and layout, supporting giant 10mm LEDs, and a host of other changes that takes a classic and makes it a much better blinkie. Your five dollar deposit will reserve one of the blinkies with standard LEDs. The deposit also allows you to skip ahead of any non-RSVP blinkieteers in the waiting line when the room is full. Additionally you have the option of customizing your blinkie with different LEDs - please note: this will require a small up-charge, payable when you pick up your kit. |
Build a Blinkie - MuseCon Atom | Workshop | This is a super-easy-to-build blinkie that you can wear with a lanyard or pin. This small 3.25in by 3.0in double-sided circuit board has a tie-tack pin for wearing. The board material is extra thin and thus is very light. The atomic blinkie supports 3 smart LEDs in a variety of colors. A special thanks to MSkirvin for the artwork! This blinkie was designed specifically for MuseCon and was introduced at Musecon 2012. It has proved so popular that we've had several runs: red, blue, white, and now black. Collect the whole set! |
Build a Blinkie - Orion | Workshop | This is the Orion constellation, as you would see it in the night sky, in all its glory. The best part - with this blinkie you can see this constellation lit up any time of the day and in all weather conditions. Ooh, here's the really good part: this is a fully accurate star map, depicting all 19 stars and nebula, with the names of the major stars printed on the board!
Open Build - Arduino Robot | Workshop | Do you know what would be really cool? To build a robot that was controllable either as a "line follower" or with your smartphone. We could have done a crowd sourcing effort, but that would have required us to spend time creating those incredibly slick marketing videos, embedded in an expensive webpage. Forget that - we'd rather work on actually creating the kit. We love it, and we know you will too. Oh, they tell us we need to put in a disclaimer - smart phone not included. |
Stained Glass - 2x2 Pendant | Workshop | This very cool and nifty four piece, 2in x 2in wearable pendant is a fun addition to our free-for-all offerings. Try your hand at stained glass without fear of failure - you will leave with a successfully built piece you can proudly wear. As a bonus, requires molten metal to build! It's both an excellent free project for those who want to try stained glass, plus it has a very geeky side. If you ever look at a tanker truck, a laboratory, or even a propane filling station, this four color diamond will look familiar: the NFPA 704 describes the nature of the contents on which it is placed. Blue is health danger (0 to 4), red is flammability (0 to 4), yellow is reactivity (0 to 4). 0 is least, 4 is greatest. Since this pendant can be worn, it can describe the wearer - from mostly harmless as shown in the picture, to whatever level of warning seems appropriate. You get a kit with the glass already cut for the pattern, copper foil, brass wire, and solder, with as much (or as little) help as desired. |
Stained Glass - MuseCon Mask | Workshop | This is a nine piece, roughly 2.375in x 2.75in stained glass kit featuring one of MuseCon's logos - the comedy portion of the mask set one would see in conjunction with theater, with its history rooted in ancient Athens. Check out Thalia, the muse of comedy, for more history. You get a kit with the glass already cut for the pattern, copper foil, brass wire, and solder, with as much (or as little) help as desired. There is a fee to defer the cost of materials. |
Stained Glass - Panel with Beveled Inserts | Workshop | Oooh - shiny and colorful! It's an impressive 14in square panel with beveled insets. And, as a bonus, requires molten metal to build! You get a kit with the glass already cut for the pattern. Note: each kit features different colors and textures of glass - choose from currently-available options on pickup. Also provided are copper foil and solder, with as much (or as little) help as desired. There is a fee to defer the cost of materials. |
Stained Glass - Panel with Engraved Center | Workshop | Oooh - shiny and colorful! It's an impressive 19 piece, 8.5in x 11in stained glass panel with a 5x7in bevel in the middle. And, as a bonus, requires molten metal to build! You get a kit with the glass already cut for the pattern. Note: each kit features different colors and textures of glass - choose from currently-available options on pickup. Also provided are copper foil and solder, with as much (or as little) help as desired. There is a fee to defer the cost of materials. |
Stained Glass - Rainbow Heart | Workshop | This is a six piece, roughly 5in x 5in stained glass rainbow heart. And, as a bonus, requires molten metal to build! You get a kit with the glass already cut for the pattern, copper foil, brass wire, and solder, with as much (or as little) help as desired. There is a fee to defer the cost of materials. |
String Bracelets | Muse Salon | Sometimes referred to as "sailors bracelets" or "friendship bracelets", these are circular braids tied in cotton twine using a printed guide wrapped around a form. Open to all, but suggested for ages 8+. Plain string is free, fancy string may be provided to enhance the more successful results. Bonus projects for the dedicated enthusiasts. (Loren Damewood) |
Turkish Braid | Muse Salon | Learn how to add a Turkish Braid to your knitting. This embellishment usually used with circular knitting is simple, requires nothing more complicated than a purl stitch, and gives the appearance of an applied braid. Bring your own needles and yarn if you want to take a sample home, or use ours if you just want to try it. (Liana Winsauer) |
Wood Kits - Bat House | Workshop | Do you like bats and hate mosquitos? Then, simply, you must build this kit. Ah, but the big question - will bats actually take up residence? The answer is yes, at least where I place mine. This is a two-chambered cedar bat house; easy to build and easy to mount. |
PG Woodcarving Open Build | Workshop | Whittling roundtable for all ages / skill levels. John has worked with children as young as 5, so anyone who can print and follow directions is welcome. A selection of tools will be available to borrow. Kits (blank wood, patterns) and a small selection of tools will be for sale at $3 and up, or bring your own and pull up a chair. Discussion about all things carving - often leading into other topics. (John Armstrong) |
Drop-In Dulcimer Basics | Muse Salon | Learn the basics of the mountain (lap) dulcimer in traditional DAA (ionian) tuning. The mountain dulcimer is probably the most logical, easy-to-learn instrument in existence. If you've got a dulcimer, bring it, but if you don't, we've got some available. Even a complete musical klutz can play a tune with the traditional melody-drone style! Then learn some basic chords, and get a peek at more advanced melody-chord playing. (Peter Alway) |
Make a Star-Finder/Planisphere | Muse Salon | A planisphere, or star-finder, is a simple tool for predicting which constellations are going to be visible at a given date or time. In a few minutes, you can mark a chart and a transparent overlay with dates and times, and join them into a useful astronomical instrument to help you find your way around the night sky. (Peter Alway) |
Open Coloring Party for Grownups | Muse Salon | Adult coloring books have recently become a global phenomenon. This relaxing hobby is an opportunity for adults to unwind, unplug, and express themselves in a creative way. Join artist and author Mary J. Winters-Meyer at her coloring party for grownups, and learn some of the techniques she uses in her own art. Mary will have free pages for you to color from her own coloring book, as well as a variety of free samples from other artists. A few extra colored pencils and markers will be available, but if you have your own coloring supplies please bring them. Colored pencils, markers, or crayons only please, so we don't make a mess. (Mary J. Winters-Meyer)(note: Sunday only) |