MuseCon Signature Programming Venues

The rest our schedule for MuseCon 6 can be viewed here.

The Coloring Corner - Leighton Room

Welcome to the Color On! Magazine Coloring Corner! Join us for a full weekend of coloring fun, sponsored by Color On! Magazine. Coloring has been proven to be an excellent way for people of all ages to reduce stress, and books with designs for the adult colorist have been some of the best sellers on Amazon during the last year. Come check us out in Leighton!

Our coloring book artists are happy to help you learn new coloring techniques, and will also have their books available for purchase. They will be thrilled to autograph them for you too! Check the schedule in the Corner to see when each artist will be available. A couple of our artists are also planning to teach workshops - see the full MuseCon schedule for times.

Please note: We will have various coloring tools for you to try, but please bring your own as well, as our supply is limited.

The Coloring Corner will be open:
3:00 pm - 9:00 pm Friday
9:00 am - 9:00 pm Saturday
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Sunday

The Muse Salon - Marlborough Room

Welcome to the Muse Salon! From fiber to traditional art, jewelry making, and just about anything else you can imagine, it’ll be here in Marlborough. The center of the Salon features an open format “come as you are” setup where you can grab a chair & knit, sketch, braid, etc., while hanging out with fellow creators and crafters.

We’ll also have a variety of equipment and technique demonstrations going on, including spinning, calligraphy, chain maile, and costume repair. And as a backdrop to this dynamic environment, we will be featuring displays of completed projects from both the Muses as well our guests and attendees.

Which includes you! If you’ve made something in one of our sessions that you’d like to share & show, bring it to our Muse Salon and display your work for all to see. There are no reservations required, but display space is somewhat limited so will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Yes, our Salon also features display space! While our priority is to display at-Con created items & session examples we do have some space available for previously created items from our guests & attendees. Please send an inquiry to with details of size, piece count, and any spacial needs your Creations may have.

Our Workshop - Stanford Room

Solder, heat, creation! Stanford is the place to work on projects in stained glass and build blinkies. What’s a blinkie, you ask? Why, those cool badges made of circuit boards and LEDs. There’s a free beginner blinkie building session in our Workshop from 9:00 – 11:45 am Saturday morning, featuring the Atomic MuseCon blinkie, and the room will be open for general blinkie construction throughout the convention.

Additionally our Workshop has stained glass kits in a variety of skill levels and sizes. Techs will be available most of the weekend to guide you through all the steps needed to turn your kit into a wonderful piece of art.

Want a break from the soldering iron? We also have several wood kits available for assembly here. Past projects have included mini-catapults, bird houses, and bat houses (great for mosquito discouragement!). More information on this year's plans is expected in the spring.

Note: Due to the extensive use of solder and flux in this space food and open beverages are not allowed in the Workshop. People with sensitivities are advised to take the solder use into consideration before entering this room.