About Us
Most kids create an imaginary world where they have friends nobody else can see, and which allows them to be firemen, astronauts, or whatever strikes their fancy. We were all kids like that and as we grew, we found the worlds of science-fiction, fantasy, media, music, art, and other things that allowed us an escape from the mundane world. Within the fannish community, we've found folks who had similar interests. This community of accepting, like-minded folks has allowed us to create and educate. Whether it's science, writing, art, music or even entirely new ideas, the fannish community is a pretty creative bunch. MuseCon is a place to explore that creativity and learn from each other. You don't have to be an expert - all you need is a willingness to try. !

Musecon, Inc. and Non-Profit Status
The IRS has formally determined that MuseCon is an exempt organization under section 501c3. This is huge! Even better, MuseCon is a 509a2 charity, with the highest deductibility and contribution limits.

We are an official not-for-profit charity organization. Donations are tax-deductable, and often elegible for corporate matching programs. Most importantly, we are listed in the IRS "Publication 78". This is the official published list of charities recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service.

Our status right now (in all cases, search for MuseCon):


You can also check the Publication 78 FAQ and some additional lists of entities that have been recently added or removed from Publication 78 here on the IRS's website.
