MuseCon 0 Logo

Announcing: MuseCon 0 - The Secret Muse

A new convention in northeastern Illinois celebrating music and the hands-on arts beginning in 2010

Launching August 2010, Chicagoland
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MuseCon 2010
Hotel 2010
Registration 2010


Online registration has closed. You must register at the door.

Registration Rates and Benefits for 2010

What Amount Details
Attending (all 3 days) $60 per person ages 16 and over
Friday Only $25 per person all ages
Saturday Only $35 per person all ages
Sunday Only $5 -- or -- FREE with MuseCon 1 (2011) purchase all ages
Child (all 3 days) $50 per person ages 4-15
Kid-in-Tow free under 4
Friday Build A Blinkie $5 per person Subject to availability.
Saturday Advanced Build A Blinkie $10 per person Subject to availability.

Attending membership grants the holder complete access to all MuseCon 0 non-premium programming, events and services for all 3 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday - August 6, 7 and 8, 2010) of the convention.

Child memberships are available only to kids between 4 and 15 years of age.

Kid-in-Tow memberships are free. Kids-in-Tow must be under 4 years of age, and may be in any MuseCon areas, including the Con Suite, only when accompanied by an attending member. All children attending MuseCon must have either an Attending Membership, a Child Membership or a Kid-in-Tow membership.

Supporting memberships are $10.00, pre-registration only. Supporting memberships may be upgraded to attending memberships for $30/adult or $20/child at the door.

** Family Registration

MuseCon is different sort of convention. We are family friendly, and offer discounted memberships to members of a family. We define a family as a group of people that live at the same address. Each adult membership, after the first one, is reduced by $5.

One copy of all communications from MuseCon will be sent to that address for all family members. At the convention, each family will check into registration as a single unit. The first family member to get there will get pick up all of the badges for their entire family. Each family will receive only ONE copy of the program book. (Additional program books may be available at the door for an additional charge -- check with registration during the convention).

To qualify for the discount, you must register all members of the family at one time. You can also choose to register each family member separately (without the discount).

Our Gentle Policy On Memberships

. Q: What if I brought a membership, but can't use it (schedule conflict, etc) or didn't use it (missed the convention for whatever reason)?

. A: Once you purchase a membership, it's yours. There are no refunds. However, you can certainly transfer your membership to another person.

. Q: How do I transfer a membership?

. A: We just need a note from you. Your name, and the new name. We will, of course, verify the identity of the person presenting the note before transferring the membership.

Have more questions on anything regarding membership? Email

Due to a quirk of our credit card processing agreement, they want us to provide a non PO Box address to write to, and a real phone number to call if you have any questions or issues with a credit card payment. Please use this address only for such communication.

22010 W Washington St
Grayslake, Il 60030

It won't get a hold of us any more effectively then our PO Box or email addresses (see the contact page). But hey, now you have more communication options. smiley

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